

  • Kulcsszavak:
  • Countering Disinformation
  • Disinformation
  • Resilience
  • Elections
  • Nyelv:
  • Kulcsszavak:
  • Elections
  • Hate speech
  • Communication
  • Media monitoring
  • Nyelv:
  • polski
  • English
Global Voices is an international, multilingual community of writers, translators and human rights activists. Together, it leverages the power of the Internet to tell stories that build understanding across borders. How is this done? Report: Its multilingual newsroom team reports on people whose voices and experiences rarely appear in mainstream media. Translate: Its Lingua volunteers make stories available in dozens of languages to ensure that language is not a barrier to understanding. Defend: The Advox team advocates for free speech online, paying special attention to legal, technical and physical threats to people using the Internet to speak out in the public interest. Empower: Rising Voices provides training and mentorship to local underrepresented communities who want to tell their own stories using participatory media tools.
  • Kulcsszavak:
  • Countering Disinformation
  • Fact-checking
  • Elections
  • Media monitoring
  • Nyelv:
  • Македонски
  • English
Through the publication of Vistinomer.mk (www.vistinomer.mk), the "Metamorphosis" Foundation has made available to the public another tool for increasing the accountability and responsibility of political parties towards the citizens. Truenomer.mk, through a team of experts from relevant fields, analyses the promises made by political entities and presents them in an easy-to-read, aggregated form, together with systematic statistical data. Each identified promise is graded according to the degree of fulfilment: fulfilled, partially fulfilled or unfulfilled. Promises that are illogical or expressed in a way that makes verifying impossible are marked as inconsistent.


Hive Mind | 2 min read | Sep 15, 2023