
Self coaching eszközökkel a kiégés megelőzéséért

Szakértő: Szirtesi-Nagy Réka


Working with groups of people is a flow experience to me: I love being around people, exchanging ideas, getting to know different mindsets and sharing my knowledge with others. I have been working as a trainer since 2008, and have been volunteering for several youth projects and different organisations. In 2020 I joined a supporting network for schools (teachers, headmasters) related to active learning and experiential learning. We have an online group for trainer with cca 3500 member where we share knowledge, tools, methods and practices - this is also the mission of our organisation. Last year I wrote a book on digital tools for trainer and teachers, and we have a deck of cards called Mirror that help give positive feedback during trainings, and at the workplace. I am the president of the Trainers' Bootcamp and vice president of the Solution Focused Organisation in Hungary. My passion topics are conflict management, solution focus, stress management and burnout prevention, experiential learning, coaching, leadership skills, DISC and community building. I am a Lego Serious Play facilitator and a keen photographer.
Szirtesi-Nagy Réka
A kiégés első fázisa pont úgy néz ki, mint egy rendkívül motivált ember lelkes munkavégzése: pörgés, energia, elkötelezettség, teljesítmény.
A különbség valahol ott kezdődik el, amikor nem vesszük észre, hogy az erőfeszítések mellett elmarad a saját igényeinkre való odafigyelés, és a munka alárendelődik azoknak a fontos prioritásoknak, amitől az egyén töltődni, kikapcsolódni és pihenni tud.
A webináriumon a fókuszban az lesz, hogy mit tud az egyén, a vezető vagy a közösség kezdeni a kiégés nehézségeivel, és hogyan lehet megelőzni, észrevenni vagy kezelni ezt a helyzetet.
Working with groups of people is a flow experience to me: I love being around people, exchanging ideas, getting to know different mindsets and sharing my knowledge with others. I have been working as a trainer since 2008, and have been volunteering for several youth projects and different organisations. In 2020 I joined a supporting network for schools (teachers, headmasters) related to active learning and experiential learning. We have an online group for trainer with cca 3500 member where we share knowledge, tools, methods and practices - this is also the mission of our organisation. Last year I wrote a book on digital tools for trainer and teachers, and we have a deck of cards called Mirror that help give positive feedback during trainings, and at the workplace. I am the president of the Trainers' Bootcamp and vice president of the Solution Focused Organisation in Hungary. My passion topics are conflict management, solution focus, stress management and burnout prevention, experiential learning, coaching, leadership skills, DISC and community building. I am a Lego Serious Play facilitator and a keen photographer.
Szirtesi-Nagy Réka


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